Simple component class example

Simple component class can be derived from nfb.BaseComp. The derived class must specify the DT_COMPATIBLE property, which serves the base class to find the right FDT node.

Afterwards the _comp property can be accessed for configuration access. Similarly the _dev can be accesed to handle additional requirements.

import nfb

class IdComp(nfb.BaseComp):
    DT_COMPATIBLE = "cesnet,ofm,mi_test_space"

    # MI registers addresses
    _REG_TEST = 0

    # _REG_TEST bits
    _BIT_TEST = 0

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        The keyword arguments are passed to `OfmComp.__init__() (it accepts: dev, node, index)`

        # You can access device and component using:
        #   self._dev
        #   self._comp

    def print(self):
        print(self._comp.get_bit(self._REG_TEST, self._BIT_TEST))

    handle = IdComp()
    handle = IdComp(index=0)
    handle = IdComp(dev="/dev/nfb0")

    dev =
    handle = IdComp(dev=dev, node=dev.fdt_get_compatible(IdComp.DT_COMPATIBLE)[0])