FIFO components
Dual clock (asynchronous) FIFOs
ASFIFO - Behavioral dual clock FIFO implementation, based on LUTMEMs and optimized for Xilinx only. Includes status signal.
Deprecated since version 0.7.0: This component is obsolete and is a candidate for removal, use ASFIFOX instead.
ASFIFO_BRAM - Behavioral dual clock FIFO implementation, based on BRAMs and optimized for Xilinx only. Includes status signal.
Deprecated since version 0.7.0: This component is obsolete and is a candidate for removal, use ASFIFOX instead.
ASFIFO_BRAM_BLOCK - Similar to ASFIFO_BRAM but with extra signal to mark end of input data block, output remains in empty state until such mark is received. Located in the same folder as ASFIFO_BRAM.
ASFIFO_BRAM_RELEASE - Similar to ASFIFO_BRAM but contains two extra signals, one (MARK) is used for detecting end of input data blocks and second (DRELEASE) says that there is possibility of releasing the last data block. Located in the same folder as ASFIFO_BRAM.
ASFIFO_BRAM_DATAMUX - The set of dual clock FIFO implementations with doubled data width on the input or output, based on ASFIFO_BRAM_XILINX (Xilinx only).
ASFIFO_BRAM_XILINX - Structural implementation of dual clock FIFO based on Xilinx specific BRAM FIFO primitives (no extra logic). Include almost full and almost empty signal.
ASFIFOX - Universal dual clock FIFO for Xilinx and Intel FPGAs. It support various memory implementation: LUTMEMs, BRAMs. Include almost full, almost empty and status signal. Detailed documentation can be found here.
Single clock FIFOs
FIFO - Behavioral FIFO implementation, based on LUTMEMs and optimized for Xilinx only. Includes status signal.
Deprecated since version 0.7.0: This component is obsolete and is a candidate for removal, use FIFOX instead.
FIFO_BRAM - Behavioral FIFO implementation, based on BRAMs and optimized for Xilinx only. Includes status signal.
Deprecated since version 0.7.0: This component is obsolete and is a candidate for removal, use FIFOX instead.
FIFO_BRAM_XILINX - Structural implementation of FIFO based on Xilinx specific BRAM FIFO primitives (no extra logic). Include almost full and almost empty signal.
FIFO_N1 - Behavioral implementation of FIFO with multiple write ports, it is based on LUTMEMs and optimized for Xilinx only.
Deprecated since version 0.7.0: This component is obsolete and is a candidate for removal, use FIFOX instead.
FIFOX - Universal FIFO for Xilinx and Intel FPGAs. It support various memory implementation: LUTMEMs, BRAMs, URAMs (Xilinx only) and shift-registers in LUT slices (effective on Xilinx only). Include almost full, almost empty and status signal. Possible automatic selection of a suitable memory implementation. Detailed documentation can be found here.
FIFOX_MULTI - Universal FIFO based on FIFOX, which allows multiple write and read requests in each cycle. Detailed documentation can be found here.
MULTI_FIFO - Behavioral implementation of FIFO for Xilinx and Intel FPGAs with multiple independent channels. It support various memory implementation: LUTMEMs, BRAMs, URAMs (Xilinx only). The memory type is selected automatically.
SH_FIFO - Behavioral FIFO implementation, based on shift-registers in LUT slices and optimized for Xilinx only.
Deprecated since version 0.7.0: This component is obsolete and is a candidate for removal, use FIFOX instead.