- .. vhdl:entity::
Used for documenting individual entities. Individual ports and generics should be specified under
, respectively... vhdl:entity:: EntityName Entity description and full-text documentation .. vhdl:generics:: EntityName FREQ: natural := 5 .. vhdl:ports:: EntityName CLK : in 1
- .. vhdl:enum::
Used for documenting enumeration defined types. Individual enum values can be defined using
... vhdl:enum:: YourTypeName Your type fulltext description. .. vhdl:enumval:: YourTypeFirstPossibleValue Your first possible value fulltext documentation .. vhdl:enumval:: YourTypeSecondPossibleValue
- .. vhdl:enumval::
Describes a single possible enumeration type value. Should only appear in
- .. vhdl:function::
Describes a pure function. Has two required space-separated arguments - the name of the function and the return type.
Parameters of the function should be documented using
.. vhdl:function:: log2 integer Calculates the base 2 logarithm of the parameter .. vhdl:parameters:: n : in integer/std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) The number to calculate the logarithm of
- .. vhdl:generics::
Used for documenting the generic constants of an entity. Has one required argument; the name of the entity being documented, and uses a custom syntax for description of the individual constants.
Individual constant are described in the content of the directive; where lines aligned to the left offset define the constants and lines offset from those are detailed descriptions of the constants above, supporting all the standard REStructured Text formatting and directives. Constant definitions then take on the form
constantName : constantType := defaultValue
, where all the fields are mandatory and whitespace may be arbitrary.The types and description may contain full ReST syntax.
.. vhdl:generics:: UART_RX WORD_SIZE:natural:=8 The machine word here is 8 bits. Used for :vhdl:portsignal:`DOUT`. It just is. DWORD_SIZE : :vhdl:type:`YourAwesomeType` := 16 QWORD_SIZE : float := 32.0 Because why sink when you can float?
- .. vhdl:constants::
Used for documenting the constants. Has one required argument: the name of the documented architecture.
.. vhdl:constants:: UART_RX MEM_ADDR_WIDTH : :vhdl:type:`natural` := log2(ITEMS); Address width of memory ADDR_WIDTH : :vhdl:type:`natural` := MEM_ADDR_WIDTH+1; Address width
- .. vhdl:package::
Used for documenting VHDL packages.
- .. vhdl:parameters::
Used for documenting the parameters of a subprogram (
). Has one required argument; the name of the subprogram being documented, and uses a custom syntax for descriptions of the individual parameters.Individual parameters are described in the content of the directive; where lines aligned to the left offset define the parameter names and lines offset from those are detailed descriptions of the parameters above, supporting all the standard reStructuredText formatting and directives. Parameter definitions then take on the form
parameterName : mode type
, where whitespace can be arbitrary.The type and description may contain full ReST syntax.
.. vhdl:ports:: UART_RX CLK:in std_logic Receiver clock at 8 times the frequency of the input signal RST : in std_logic Reset signal Pull to high for at least one clock cycle before using this entity DIN : in std_logic Data input line DOUT : out std_logic_vector( :vhdl:genconstant:`WORD_SIZE <UART_RX.WORD_SIZE>` - 1 downto 0) The received data will be written here DOUT_VLD : out std_logic When high, denotes the :vhdl:portsignal:`UART_RX.DOUT` being valid
- .. vhdl:ports::
Used for documenting the ports of an entity. Has one required argument; the name of the entity being documented, and uses a custom syntax for descriptions of the individual ports.
Individual ports are described in the content of the directive; where lines aligned to the left offset define the ports and lines offset from those are detailed descriptions of the ports above, supporting all the standard REStructured text formatting and directives. Port definitions then take on the form
portName : mode sig_width
, where whitespace can be arbitrary.Data width signifies the width of the
on the port.The signal width and description may contain full ReST syntax.
Cumulative description of a whole group of ports is also possible, by the means of a
SPHINXGRP groupname
definition in place of a port definitionExample
.. vhdl:ports:: UART_RX CLK:in 1 Receiver clock at 8 times the frequency of the input signal RST : in 1 Reset signal Pull to high for at least one clock cycle before using this entity DIN : in 1 Data input line SPHINXGRP output The following two ports are used in conjunction as the output of the receiver DOUT : out :vhdl:genconstant:`WORD_SIZE <UART_RX.WORD_SIZE>` The received data will be written here DOUT_VLD : out 1 When high, denotes the :vhdl:portsignal:`UART_RX.DOUT` being valid
- .. vhdl:record::
Used for documenting record-defined types. Individual fields of the type can be documented using
... vhdl:record:: PACKET_DATA Describes the data associated with each packet .. vhdl:recordelem:: SOURCE_IP : :vhdl:type:`IP` The IP address of the packet sender .. vhdl:recordelem:: ARRIVED_AT : TIME The time when the packet was received.
- .. vhdl:recordelem::
Used for documenting individual fields of a
. The argument of this directive should take on the form offieldName : fieldType
, wherefieldType
can contain arbitrary sphinx syntax.
- .. vhdl:type::
Used for documenting types other than record- and enumeration-defined ones.
For enumeration-defined types, please use
. For record defined types, please usevhdl:record
.The argument of this directive should take on the form
typeName : type signature
; wheretype signature
may contain arbitrary sphinx formatting.
Auto- Directives
- .. vhdl:autoentity::
Automatically generates a documentation for an entity. Has one required argument, the name of the entity. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing this entity. See Autodoc Usage for further instructions on how the source code must be set up.- :noautogenerics:
Do not generate a
directive as part of generating the automatic documentation for the entity.
- :noautoports:
Do not generate a
directive as part of generating the automatic documentation for the entity.
- .. vhdl:autoenum::
Automatically generates a documentation for an enumeration defined type. Has one required argument, the name of the type. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing this entity. See Autodoc Usage for further instructions on how the source code must be set up.
- .. vhdl:autofunction::
Automatically generates a documentation for a pure function. Has one required argument, the name of the type. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing this entity. See Autodoc Usage for further instructions on how the source code must be set up.
- .. vhdl:autogenerics::
Automatically generates a documentation for an entity’s generics. Has one required argument, the name of the entity whose generics to document. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing the target entity. See Autodoc Usage for further instruction on how the source must be set up.
- .. vhdl:autoconstants::
Automatically generates documentation for an architecture’s constants. Has one required argument, the name of the architecture whose constants are to be documented. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing the target entity. See Autodoc Usage for further instruction on how the source must be set up.
- .. vhdl:autopackage::
Automatically generates a documentation for a package. Has one required argument, the name of the package to document. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources defining the target package. See Autodoc Usage for further instructions on how the source must be set up.
- .. vhdl:autoports::
Automatically generates a documentation for an entity’s ports. Has one required argument, the name of the entity whose ports to document. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing the target entity. See Autodoc Usage for further instruction on how the source must be set up.
- .. vhdl:autorecord::
Automatically generates a documentation for a record-defined type. Has one required argument, the name of the type to document. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing the type. See Autodoc Usage for further instructions on how the source must be set up.
- .. vhdl:autotype::
Automatically generates a documentation for a type other than enumeration- record-defined one. Has one required argument, the name of the type to document. For the automatic generation to work, the
configuration option must be set to point to a valid directory containing VHDL sources describing the type. See Autodoc Usage for further instructions on how the sources must be set up.