Autodoc Usage

Before the automatic documentation feature of the Sphinx-VHDL plugin may be used, the plugin must be set up with the path to a directory where the project with the sources for automatic documentation reside. Please refer to vhdl_autodoc_source_path for this.

The Sphinx-VHDL automatic documentation generation depends on being able to extract documentation comments from the source code. Extraction of documentation is only attempted from files with the .vhd or .vhdl suffix, and requires those source files to be reasonably well formatted, even if not necessarily syntactically valid. Documentation is only extracted from continuous line comment blocks; and allows the full range of reStructuredText syntax on the inside; however, a mandatory space symbol is expected just after each --, and blank documentation lines must also contain at least -- at the beginning (there the space may be omitted).

All documentation comments to be extracted must immediately precede the object they are documenting; if a comment is not meant to be a documentation comment and thus should not be extracted; it should be separated by at least a blank line, or placed after the object definition. For a very short documentation comments, the comment immediately following the declaration on the same line is also acceptable.


For the automatic extraction to work, the code must be particularly formatted. Specifically:

  • entity declaration must be on its own individual line

    entity entityName is
  • inside entity declarations, the port ( and generic ( keywords must be on their own individual lines

  • every signal/constant defined must be on its own individual line

  • linebreaks must not be inserted inside signal/constant declarations - the whole declaration must be on one line

  • enumeration-defined types must have the opening parenthesis on the same line as the type keyword, and individual values must each have their own line

  • record-defined types must have the record keyword on the same line as the type keyword, and each element of that record must be on its own line

  • it’s possible to create groups of ports and generics, but there are some rules that must be observed

  • every group must start and end with line containing the == pattern, followed by the name of the group and the group’s description

  • underneath, the list of ports or generics should follow

  • there cannot be more than one group with the same name in one entity


-- This is not a documentation comment

-- This is also not a documentation comment
--Because this comment has no space
-- This is a documentation comment for the entity
-- Here it continues
-- Above here is a blank line in the documentation.
-- It is still a documentation comment
entity entityName is
-- This is just a random comment, not documentation
port (
  -- This is a documentation for the port
  signal portName : inout std_logic bus := '1';
  -- This is not a documentation comment due to the blank line

  portName2 : bit;
  portName3 : in bit    -- This is a documentation comment for portName3
end entity entityName;

Example with groups

The example below shows how to work with port groups and generics. See the output in :ref:group_example_doc.

entity entityName is
generic (
    -- This is how the group of generics looks

    -- =====================================================================
    -- Description of group
    -- =====================================================================

    -- List of generics and theirs descriptions
    -- Description of generic
    genericName  : natural := value;
    -- Description of generic 2
    genericName2 : natural := value;
port (
    -- This is how the group of ports looks

    -- =====================================================================
    -- Description of group
    -- =====================================================================

    -- List of ports and theirs descriptions
    -- Description of port 1
    portName  : in std_logic;
    -- Description of port 2
    portName2 : in std_logic;

end entity entityName;