AMM_PROBE is now depreciated and MEM_LOGGER should be used!
AMM_PROBE listens to the AMM bus and measures:
Written / read AMM words and read requests count
Number of ticks (CLK cycles) from the first to the last write request (same for read requests)
Number of ticks (CLK cycles) of the whole communication (from the first r/w req to the last r/w req)
Average, minimal and maximal latency of read requests
Latency histogram of read requests
MI Bus Control
MI Address Space Definition
BASE + 0x00 -- ctrl
0. bit -- reset
1. bit -- latency to first received word
2. bit -- write ticks overflow occurred
3. bit -- read ticks overflow occurred
4. bit -- r/w ticks overflow occurred
5. bit -- write words overflow occurred
6. bit -- read words overflow occurred
7. bit -- read req overflow occurred
8. bit -- latency ticks overflow occurred
9. bit -- latency counters overflow occurred
10. bit -- latency sum overflow occurred
11. bit -- latency histogramer counters overflow occurred
12. bit -- latency histogramer is linear occurred
BASE + 0x04 -- write ticks
BASE + 0x08 -- read ticks
BASE + 0x0C -- r/w ticks
BASE + 0x10 -- written words
BASE + 0x14 -- read words
BASE + 0x18 -- read request made
BASE + 0x1C -- latency sum (2x MI registers)
BASE + 0x24 -- latency min
BASE + 0x28 -- latency max
BASE + 0x2C -- latency hist cnt
BASE + 0x20 -- latency hist sel
BASE + 0x34 -- AMM data width
BASE + 0x38 -- AMM address width
BASE + 0x3C -- AMM burst width
BASE + 0x40 -- AMM freq [kHz]
BASE + 0x44 -- latency ticks width
BASE + 0x48 -- histogramer counters cnt