
AMM_PROBE is now depreciated and MEM_LOGGER should be used!

AMM_PROBE listens to the AMM bus and measures:

  • Written / read AMM words and read requests count

  • Number of ticks (CLK cycles) from the first to the last write request (same for read requests)

  • Number of ticks (CLK cycles) of the whole communication (from the first r/w req to the last r/w req)

  • Average, minimal and maximal latency of read requests

  • Latency histogram of read requests

MI Bus Control

MI Address Space Definition

BASE + 0x00 -- ctrl
              0. bit -- reset
              1. bit -- latency to first received word
              2. bit -- write ticks overflow occurred
              3. bit -- read  ticks overflow occurred
              4. bit -- r/w   ticks overflow occurred
              5. bit -- write words overflow occurred
              6. bit -- read words  overflow occurred
              7. bit -- read req    overflow occurred
              8. bit -- latency ticks overflow occurred
              9. bit -- latency counters overflow occurred
              10. bit -- latency sum overflow occurred
              11. bit -- latency histogramer counters overflow occurred
              12. bit -- latency histogramer is linear occurred
BASE + 0x04 -- write ticks
BASE + 0x08 -- read  ticks
BASE + 0x0C -- r/w   ticks
BASE + 0x10 -- written words
BASE + 0x14 -- read    words
BASE + 0x18 -- read request made
BASE + 0x1C -- latency sum (2x MI registers)
BASE + 0x24 -- latency min
BASE + 0x28 -- latency max
BASE + 0x2C -- latency hist cnt
BASE + 0x20 -- latency hist sel
BASE + 0x34 -- AMM data width
BASE + 0x38 -- AMM address width
BASE + 0x3C -- AMM burst width
BASE + 0x40 -- AMM freq [kHz]
BASE + 0x44 -- latency ticks width
BASE + 0x48 -- histogramer counters cnt