AVMM Agent

This agent is a low-level agent that is responsible for communication through the Intel Avalon Memory Mapped interface. This package uvm_avmm contains two agents. The slave agent sends requests to the DUT. The master agent samples requests from DUT and sends responses from the memory model.

The agents are configured with three parameters:




Sequence Items

The following table shows properties in the sequence_items classes. This is a low-level protocol, so if you generate data in sequence, please be careful not to break the AVMM protocol rules.


rand logic ready;
rand logic read;
rand logic write;
rand logic [ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 : 0] address;
rand logic [DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] writedata;
rand logic [BURST_WIDTH -1 : 0] burstcount;


rand logic ready;
rand logic [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] readdata;
rand logic readdatavalid;

Response logic

The master agent is capable of generating responses to input requests. For that reason, the agent contains two other components: request_subscriber and memory_model. These two components use internal items, request_item and response_item.


Note :class: note

request_item_type_e is an enum of { READ, WRITE }

request_item_type_e request_type;
logic [ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 : 0] address;
logic [DATA_WIDTH -1 : 0] writedata;
logic [BURST_WIDTH -1 : 0] burstcount;


logic [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] readdata;
time timestamp;


The request_subscriber converts sequence_item_request into request_item.


The memory_model’s main purpose is to process the input request_item. For READ request_item, the memory_model outputs timestamped request_item with read data, which are used by sequences to send sequence_item_response items. The model uses a file as its memory.

The model can be configured using the config_item:

  • generated_memory_file Is a switch that tells the model to generate the memory file on the path memory_filepath. Set this property off if you want to use your memory file. The default is on.

  • generated_memory_file_type Determines the type of generated file. It can be NULL (all bits are 0) or RANDOM (random content). The default is NULL.

  • memory_filepath The path of the memory file. It can be useful if you can’t use the autogenerated name based on the UVM component hierarchy.


The sequences use the response_item fifo located in their sequencer to generate sequence_item_response items. There are several sequences that work with response_item’s timestamp and response latency and can be useful for more complex DUT verification.