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Processing core

Processing core's configuration in processing_core.yml file looks like this:

  host: localhost
  port: 5672
  virtual_host: /
  username: dp3_user
  password: dp3_password
worker_processes: 2
worker_threads: 16
modules_dir: "../dp3_modules"
  - "module_one"
  - "module_two"

Message broker

Message broker section describes connection details to RabbitMQ (or compatible) broker.

Parameter Data-type Default value Description
host string localhost IP address or hostname for connection to broker.
port int 5672 Listening port of broker.
virtual_host string / Virtual host for connection to broker.
username string guest Username for connection to broker.
password string guest Password for connection to broker.

Worker processes

Number of worker processes. This has to be at least 1.

If changing number of worker processes, the following process must be followed:

  1. stop all inputs writing to task queue (e.g. API)
  2. when all queues are empty, stop all workers
  3. reconfigure queues in RabbitMQ using script found in /scripts/
  4. change the settings here and in init scripts for worker processes (e.g. supervisor)
  5. reload workers (e.g. using supervisorctl) and start all inputs again

Worker threads

Number of worker threads per process.

This may be higher than number of CPUs, because this is not primarily intended to utilize computational power of multiple CPUs (which Python cannot do well anyway due to the GIL), but to mask long I/O operations (e.g. queries to external services via network).

Modules directory

Path to directory with plug-in (secondary) modules.

Relative path is evaluated relative to location of this configuration file.

Enabled modules

List of plug-in modules which should be enabled in processing pipeline.

Name of module filename without .py extension must be used!