MVB agent


MVB interface is simple interface which is composed of signals below.






This signal containts data to be transferred.



For each item in DATA there is one valid bit. If the bit is HIGH then that item is valid.



Source if ready when this signal is HIGH.



Destination if ready when this signal is HIGH.

The ITEMS and ITEM_WIDTH are parameters and they must be greater then 0. The WORD_WIDTH is local parameter and its value is calculated my multiplying parameters ITEMS and ITEM_WIDTH.

The interface is used for both RX nad TX. For each direction there is dut and driver modport. Also there is one modport for monitor. This modport is used for both RX and TX.

There are asserts to check correct settings and functionality of interface.

Sequence item

Sequence item have same signals as interface accept for DATA. In the DATA is saved all items in the array. There is ITEMS’s logic vector items with width of ITEM_WIDTH.

All of those signals are randomized. There also are overridden UVM functions(“do_compare”, “do_copy” and “convert2string”).


There is req which is instance of sequence_item. There are 2 unsigned integers max_transaction_count and min_transaction_count. Last variable is randomized transaction_count. This variable is randomized in range of <max_transaction_count, min_transaction_count>.

There are 2 sequences. One for RX and one for TX. This is because TX, and RX behave differently. Signal SRC_RDY must remain rised until the DST_RDY is also rised. This behavior must be simulated on the RX side.

Because of this there is one bit variable next_action. This bit decide on contents of actual req based on previous sequence item.


The driver gets sequence_item from sequence and assign corresponding signals to interface.

Because of behaviour described above there are also 2 drivers. One for RX and one for TX. The RX driver have to also create response and sand it back to sequence.


Monitor just waiting for monitor clocking block and than sample values at interface. And at the end he write this sample to the analysis port.


In the config 2 variables. First is active that decides if the driver and sequencer will be created. And the second one is interface_name.


There are also 2 agents. Agent only connect everything together.