PCIe Tools ========== This chapter describes the components that are used for communication via the PCIe interface. A description of DMA controllers is also included. The PCIe components are typically located in the ``comp/pcie/`` directory in the OFM repository. DMA Calypte is located in the ``comp/dma/`` directory. Closed-source DMA Medusa IP is located in a separate submodule. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Content: comp/pcie/mtc/readme comp/pcie/ptc/readme comp/pcie/ptc/comp/tag_manager/readme comp/pcie/common/readme comp/pcie/logic/byte_count/readme comp/pcie/logic/byte_en_decoder/readme comp/pcie/others/hdr_gen/readme comp/pcie/convertors/readme ./../ndk_mod/ndk-mod-dma-medusa/readme comp/dma/dma_calypte/readme .. Add more references here...