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Platform config file reader and config model.


Bases: dict

Extension of built-in dict that simplifies working with a nested hierarchy of dicts.


get(key, default=NoDefault)

Key may be a path (in dot notation) into a hierarchy of dicts. For example dictionary.get('abc.x.y') is equivalent to dictionary['abc']['x']['y'].

:returns: self[key] or default if key is not found.

Source code in dp3/common/
def get(self, key, default=NoDefault):
    Key may be a path (in dot notation) into a hierarchy of dicts. For example
    is equivalent to

    :returns: `self[key]` or `default` if key is not found.
    d = self
        while "." in key:
            first_key, key = key.split(".", 1)
            d = d[first_key]
        return d[key]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
        pass  # not found - continue below
    if default is NoDefault:
        raise MissingConfigError("Mandatory configuration element is missing: " + key)
        return default


update(other, **kwargs)

Update HierarchicalDict with other dictionary and merge common keys.

If there is a key in both current and the other dictionary and values of both keys are dictionaries, they are merged together.


HierarchicalDict({'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}}).update({'a': {'b': 10, 'd': 3}})
HierarchicalDict({'a': {'b': 10, 'c': 2, 'd': 3}})
Changes the dictionary directly, returns None.

Source code in dp3/common/
def update(self, other, **kwargs):
    Update `HierarchicalDict` with other dictionary and merge common keys.

    If there is a key in both current and the other dictionary and values of
    both keys are dictionaries, they are merged together.

    HierarchicalDict({'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}}).update({'a': {'b': 10, 'd': 3}})
    HierarchicalDict({'a': {'b': 10, 'c': 2, 'd': 3}})
    Changes the dictionary directly, returns `None`.
    other = dict(other)
    for key in other:
        if key in self:
            if isinstance(self[key], dict) and isinstance(other[key], dict):
                # The key is present in both dicts and both key values are dicts -> merge them
                HierarchicalDict.update(self[key], other[key])
                # One of the key values is not a dict -> overwrite the value
                # in self by the one from other (like normal "update" does)
                self[key] = other[key]
            # key is not present in self -> set it to value from other
            self[key] = other[key]


Bases: BaseModel

Cron expression used for scheduling. Also support standard cron expressions, such as

  • "*/15" (every 15 units)
  • "1,2,3" (1, 2 and 3)
  • "1-3" (1, 2 and 3)


Name Type Description
year Optional[str]

4-digit year

month Optional[int]

month (1-12)

day Optional[Union[Annotated[int, Field(ge=1, le=31)], CronStr]]

day of month (1-31)

week Optional[int]

ISO week (1-53)

day_of_week Optional[Union[Annotated[int, Field(ge=0, le=6)], CronStr]]

number or name of weekday (0-6 or mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun)

hour Optional[Union[TimeInt, CronStr]]

hour (0-23)

minute Optional[Union[TimeInt, CronStr]]

minute (0-59)

second Optional[Union[TimeInt, CronStr]]

second (0-59)

timezone str

Timezone for time specification (default is UTC).


Bases: BaseModel

Class representing full specification of an entity.


Name Type Description
entity EntitySpec

Specification and settings of entity itself.

attribs dict[str, AttrSpecType]

A mapping of attribute id -> AttrSpec


ModelSpec(config: HierarchicalDict)

Bases: BaseModel

Class representing the platform's current entity and attribute specification.


Name Type Description
config dict[str, EntitySpecDict]

Legacy config format, exactly mirrors the config files.

entities dict[str, EntitySpec]

Mapping of entity id -> EntitySpec

attributes dict[tuple[str, str], AttrSpecType]

Mapping of (entity id, attribute id) -> AttrSpec

entity_attributes dict[str, dict[str, AttrSpecType]]

Mapping of entity id -> attribute id -> AttrSpec

relations dict[tuple[str, str], AttrSpecType]

Mapping of (entity id, attribute id) -> AttrSpec only contains attributes which are relations.

Provided configuration must be a dict of following structure:

    <entity type>: {
        'entity': {
            entity specification
        'attribs': {
            <attr id>: {
                attribute specification
            other attributes
    other entity types
Raises: ValueError: if the specification is invalid.

Source code in dp3/common/
def __init__(self, config: HierarchicalDict):
    Provided configuration must be a dict of following structure:
        <entity type>: {
            'entity': {
                entity specification
            'attribs': {
                <attr id>: {
                    attribute specification
                other attributes
        other entity types
        ValueError: if the specification is invalid.
        config=config, entities={}, attributes={}, entity_attributes={}, relations={}



Validate that relation type attributes link to existing entities.

Source code in dp3/common/
def _validate_relations(self):
    """Validate that relation type attributes link to existing entities."""
    for entity_attr, attr_spec in self.relations.items():
        if attr_spec.relation_to not in self.entities:
            entity, attr = entity_attr
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{attr_spec.relation_to}', linked by '{attr}' is not a valid entity."
    return self



Validate that relation mirrors do not reference existing attributes and create them.

Source code in dp3/common/
def _fill_and_validate_mirrors(self):
    """Validate that relation mirrors do not reference existing attributes and create them."""
    for (entity, attr), attr_spec in self.relations.items():
        if not attr_spec.is_mirrored:

        linked_entity = attr_spec.relation_to
        linked_attr = attr_spec.mirror_as

        with entity_context(self.entities[entity], self.entities):
            mirror_attr = AttrSpecReadOnly(
                description=f"Read-only mirror attribute of {entity}.{attr}",

        # We will accept correct definitions of mirrored attributes to fix errors when
        # a `ModelSpec` instance is validated again (e.g. when passed to `PlatformConfig`)
        # It's not pretty, but better than requiring a context like in `DataPointTask`.
        configured = self.attributes.get((linked_entity, linked_attr))
        if configured and configured.model_dump() != mirror_attr.model_dump():
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{linked_entity}.{linked_attr}' is a mirrored attribute, "
                "but already exists in configuration. "
                "Mirrored attributes are defined implicitly, remove the definition."

        self.config[linked_entity]["attribs"][linked_attr] = mirror_attr
        self.attributes[linked_entity, linked_attr] = mirror_attr
        self.entity_attributes[linked_entity][linked_attr] = mirror_attr

    return self


Bases: BaseModel

An aggregation of configuration available to modules.


Name Type Description
app_name str

Name of the application, used when naming various structures of the platform

config_base_path str

Path to directory containing platform config

config HierarchicalDict

A dictionary that contains the platform config

model_spec ModelSpec

Specification of the platform's model (entities and attributes)

num_processes PositiveInt

Number of worker processes

process_index NonNegativeInt

Index of current process


read_config(filepath: str) -> HierarchicalDict

Read configuration file and return config as a dict-like object.

The configuration file should contain a valid YAML - Comments may be included as lines starting with # (optionally preceded by whitespaces).

This function reads the file and converts it to a HierarchicalDict. The only difference from built-in dict is its get method, which allows hierarchical keys (e.g. abc.x.y). See doc of get method for more information.

Source code in dp3/common/
def read_config(filepath: str) -> HierarchicalDict:
    Read configuration file and return config as a dict-like object.

    The configuration file should contain a valid YAML
    - Comments may be included as lines starting with `#` (optionally preceded
      by whitespaces).

    This function reads the file and converts it to a `HierarchicalDict`.
    The only difference from built-in `dict` is its `get` method, which allows
    hierarchical keys (e.g. `abc.x.y`).
    See [doc of get method][dp3.common.config.HierarchicalDict.get] for more information.
    with open(filepath) as file_content:
        return HierarchicalDict(yaml.safe_load(file_content))


read_config_dir(dir_path: str, recursive: bool = False) -> HierarchicalDict

Same as read_config, but it loads whole configuration directory of YAML files, so only files ending with ".yml" are loaded. Each loaded configuration is located under key named after configuration filename.


Name Type Description Default
dir_path str

Path to read config from.

recursive bool

If recursive is set, then the configuration directory will be read recursively (including configuration files inside directories).

Source code in dp3/common/
def read_config_dir(dir_path: str, recursive: bool = False) -> HierarchicalDict:
    Same as [read_config][dp3.common.config.read_config],
    but it loads whole configuration directory of YAML files,
    so only files ending with ".yml" are loaded.
    Each loaded configuration is located under key named after configuration filename.

        dir_path: Path to read config from.
        recursive: If `recursive` is set, then the configuration directory will be read
            recursively (including configuration files inside directories).
    all_files_paths = os.listdir(dir_path)
    config = HierarchicalDict()
    for config_filename in all_files_paths:
        config_full_path = os.path.join(dir_path, config_filename)
        if os.path.isdir(config_full_path) and recursive:
            loaded_config = read_config_dir(config_full_path, recursive)
        elif os.path.isfile(config_full_path) and config_filename.endswith(".yml"):
                loaded_config = read_config(config_full_path)
            except TypeError:
                # configuration file is empty
            # remove '.yml' suffix of filename
            config_filename = config_filename[:-4]
        # place configuration files into another dictionary level named by config dictionary name
        config[config_filename] = loaded_config
    return config


entity_type_context(model_spec: ModelSpec) -> Iterator[None]

Context manager for AttrSpec initialization.

Source code in dp3/common/
def entity_type_context(model_spec: ModelSpec) -> Iterator[None]:
    """Context manager for AttrSpec initialization."""
    token = _init_entity_type_context_var.set(
        {entity: spec.id_data_type.root for entity, spec in model_spec.entities.items()}


get_entity_type_context() -> dict

Get entity spec context.

Source code in dp3/common/
def get_entity_type_context() -> dict:
    """Get entity spec context."""
    cxt = _init_entity_type_context_var.get()
    if cxt is None or not isinstance(cxt, dict):
        raise ValueError("Entity type context is not set")
    return cxt