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DP³ enables its users to create custom modules to perform application specific data analysis. Modules are loaded using a plugin-like architecture and can influence the data flow from the very first moment upon handling the data-point push request.

As described in the Architecture page, DP³ uses a categorization of modules into primary and secondary modules. The distinction between primary and secondary modules is such that primary modules send data-points into the system using the HTTP API, while secondary modules react to the data present in the system, e.g.: altering the data-flow in an application-specific manner, deriving additional data based on incoming data-points or performing data correlation on entity snapshots.

This page covers the DP³ API for secondary modules, for primary module implementation, the API documentation may be useful, also feel free to check out the dummy_sender script in /scripts/

Creating a new Module

First, make a directory that will contain all modules of the application. For example, let's assume that the directory will be called /modules/.

As mentioned in the Processing core configuration page, the modules directory must be specified in the modules_dir configuration option. Let's create the main module file now - assuming the module will be called my_awesome_module, create a file /modules/

Finally, to make the processing core load the module, add the module name to the enabled_modules configuration option, e.g.:

Enabling the module in processing_core.yml
modules_dir: "/modules/"
  - "my_awesome_module"

Here is a basic skeleton for the module file:

from dp3.common.base_module import BaseModule
from dp3.common.callback_registrar import CallbackRegistrar
from dp3.common.config import PlatformConfig

class MyAwesomeModule(BaseModule):
    def __init__(self,
        platform_config: PlatformConfig, 
        module_config: dict, 
        registrar: CallbackRegistrar
        super().__init__(platform_config, module_config, registrar)
        # (1)!

    def load_config(self, config: PlatformConfig, module_config: dict) -> None:
        ... # (2)!
  1. After calling the BaseModule constructor, the module should and register its callbacks in the __init__ method.
  2. The load_config method is called by the BaseModule's __init__ method, and is used to load the module-specific configuration. It can be also called during system runtime to reload the configuration.

You should place loading of module's configuration inside the load_config method. This method is called by the BaseModule's __init__ method, as you can see bellow. It can be also called during system runtime to reload the configuration using the Control API, which enables you to change the module configuration without restarting the DP³ worker.

The registering of callbacks should be done in the __init__ method however, as there is currently no support to alter a callback once it has been registered without restarting.

All modules must subclass the BaseModule class. If a class does not subclass the BaseModule class, it will not be loaded and activated by the main DP³ worker. The declaration of BaseModule is as follows:

class BaseModule:
    def __init__(
        platform_config: PlatformConfig,
        module_config: dict,
        registrar: CallbackRegistrar
        self.refresh: SharedFlag = SharedFlag(
            False, banner=f"Refresh {self.__class__.__name__}"
        self.log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.load_config(platform_config, module_config)

As you can see, the BaseModule class provides a refresh flag used internally for refreshing and a log object for the module to use for logging.

At initialization, each module receives a PlatformConfig, a module_config dictionary and a CallbackRegistrar. For the module to do anything, it must read the provided configuration from platform_configand module_config and register callbacks to perform data analysis using the registrar object. Let's go through them one at a time.


PlatformConfig contains the entire DP³ platform configuration, which includes the application name, worker counts, which worker processes is the module running in and a ModelSpec which contains the entity specification.

If you want to create configuration specific to the module itself, create a .yml configuration file named as the module itself inside the modules/ folder, as described in the modules configuration page. This configuration will be then loaded into the module_config dictionary for convenience. Please place code that loads the module configuration into the load_config method, where you will recieve both the platform_config and module_config as arguments.

Reloading configuration

The module configuration can be reloaded during runtime using the Control API, specifically the refresh_module_config action. This will cause the load_config method to be called again, with the new configuration. For this reason it is recommended to place all configuration loading code into the load_config method.

Some callbacks may be called only sparsely in the lifetime of an entity, and it may be useful to refresh all the values derived by the module when the configuration changes. This is implemented for the on_entity_creation and on_new_attr callbacks, and you can enable it by passing the refresh keyword argument to the callback registration. See the Callbacks section for more details.

Type of eid

Specifying the eid type

At runtime, the eid will be exactly the type as specified in the entity specification.

All the examples on this page will show the eid as a string, as that is the default type. The type of the eid is can be configured in the entity specification, as is detailed here.

The typehint of the eid used in callback registration definitions is the AnyEidT type, which is a type alias of Union of all the allowed types of the eid in the entity specification.


The registrar: CallbackRegistrar object provides the API to register callbacks to be called during the data processing.

CRON Trigger Periodic Callbacks

For callbacks that need to be called periodically, the scheduler_register is used. The specific times the callback will be called are defined using the CRON schedule expressions. Here is a simplified example from the HistoryManager module:

    self.delete_old_dps, minute="*/10"  # (1)!
    self.archive_old_dps, minute=0, hour=2  # (2)!
  1. At every 10th minute.
  2. Every day at 2 AM.

By default, the callback will receive no arguments, but you can pass static arguments for every call using the func_args and func_kwargs keyword arguments. The function return value will always be ignored.

The complete documentation can be found at the scheduler_register page. As DP³ utilizes the APScheduler package internally to realize this functionality, specifically the CronTrigger, feel free to check their documentation for more details.

Callbacks within processing

There are a number of possible places to register callback functions during data-point processing.

Task on_task_start hook

A hook will be called on task processing start. The callback is registered using the register_task_hook method. Required signature is Callable[[DataPointTask], Any], as the return value is ignored. It may be useful for implementing custom statistics.

def task_hook(task: DataPointTask):

registrar.register_task_hook("on_task_start", task_hook)

Entity allow_entity_creation hook

Receives eid and Task, may prevent entity record creation (by returning False). The callback is registered using the register_allow_entity_creation_hook method. Required signature is Callable[[AnyEidT, DataPointTask], bool].

def entity_creation(
        eid: str,  # (1)! 
        task: DataPointTask,
) -> bool:
    return eid.startswith("1")

    entity_creation, "test_entity_type"
  1. eid may not be string, depending on the entity configuration, see Type of eid.

Entity on_entity_creation hook

Receives eid and Task, may return new DataPointTasks.

Callbacks which are called once when an entity is created are registered using the register_on_entity_creation_hook method. Required signature is Callable[[AnyEidT, DataPointTask], list[DataPointTask]].

def processing_function(
        eid: str,  # (1)! 
        task: DataPointTask
) -> list[DataPointTask]:
    output = does_work(task)
    return [DataPointTask(
            "etype": "test_enitity_type",
            "eid": eid,
            "attr": "derived_on_creation",
            "src": "secondary/derived_on_creation",
            "v": output

    processing_function, "test_entity_type"
  1. eid may not be string, depending on the entity configuration, see Type of eid.

The register_on_entity_creation_hook method also allows for refreshing of values derived by the registered hook. This can be done using the refresh keyword argument, (expecting a SharedFlag object, which is created by default for all modules) and the may_change keyword argument, which lists all the attributes that the hook may change. For the above example, the registration would look like this:


Attribute hooks

Callbacks that are called on every incoming datapoint of an attribute are registered using the register_on_new_attr_hook method. The callback allways receives eid, attribute and Task, and may return new DataPointTasks. The required signature is Callable[[AnyEidT, DataPointBase], Union[None, list[DataPointTask]]].

def attr_hook(
        eid: str,  # (1)!
        dp: DataPointBase,
) -> list[DataPointTask]:
    return []

    attr_hook, "test_entity_type", "test_attr_type",
  1. eid may not be string, depending on the entity configuration, see Type of eid.

This hook can be refreshed on configuration changes if you feel like the attribute value may change too slowly to catch up naturally. This can be done using the refresh keyword argument, (expecting a SharedFlag object, which is created by default for all modules) and the may_change keyword argument, which lists all the attributes that the hook may change. For the above example, the registration would look like this:

    may_change=[]  # (1)!
  1. If the hook may change the value of any attributes, they must be listed here.

Timeseries hook

Timeseries hooks are run before snapshot creation, and allow to process the accumulated timeseries data into observations / plain attributes to be accessed in snapshots.

Callbacks are registered using the register_timeseries_hook method. The expected callback signature is Callable[[str, str, list[dict]], list[DataPointTask]], as the callback should expect entity_type, attr_type and attribute history as arguments and return a list of DataPointTask objects.

def timeseries_hook(
        entity_type: str, attr_type: str, attr_history: list[dict]
) -> list[DataPointTask]:
    return []

    timeseries_hook, "test_entity_type", "test_attr_type",

Correlation callbacks

Correlation callbacks are called during snapshot creation, and allow to perform analysis on the data of the snapshot.

Snapshots Correlation Hook

The register_correlation_hook method expects a callable with the following signature: Callable[[str, dict], Union[None, list[DataPointTask]]], where the first argument is the entity type, and the second is a dict containing the current values of the entity and its linked entities. The method can optionally return a list of DataPointTask objects to be inserted into the system.

As correlation hooks can depend on each other, the hook inputs and outputs must be specified using the depends_on and may_change arguments. Both arguments are lists of lists of strings, where each list of strings is a path from the specified entity type to individual attributes (even on linked entities). For example, if the entity type is test_entity_type, and the hook depends on the attribute test_attr_type1, the path is simply [["test_attr_type1"]]. If the hook depends on the attribute test_attr_type1 of an entity linked using test_attr_link, the path will be [["test_attr_link", "test_attr_type1"]].

def correlation_hook(entity_type: str, values: dict):

    correlation_hook, "test_entity_type", [["test_attr_type1"]], [["test_attr_type2"]]

The order of running callbacks is determined automatically, based on the dependencies. If there is a cycle in the dependencies, a ValueError will be raised at registration. Also, if the provided dependency / output paths are invalid, a ValueError will be raised.

Snapshots Init Hook

This hook is called before each snapshot creation run begins. The use case is to enable your module to perform some initialization before the snapshot creation and associated correlation callbacks are executed. Your hook will recieve no arguments, and you may return a list of DataPointTask objects to be inserted into the system from this hook.

def snapshot_init_hook() -> list[DataPointTask]:
    return [] 


Snapshots Finalize Hook

This hook is called after each snapshot creation run ends. The use case is to enable your module to finish up after the snapshot creation and associated correlation callbacks are executed. Your hook will recieve no arguments, and you may again return a list of DataPointTask objects to be inserted into the system from this hook.

def snapshot_finalize_hook() -> list[DataPointTask]:
    return [] 


Periodic Update Callbacks

Snapshots, which are designed to execute as quickly as possible parallelized over all workers, may not fit every use-case for updates, especially when the updates are not tied only to the entity's state. For example, fetching data from an external system where rate limits are a concern.

This is where the updater module comes in. The updater module is responsible for updating all entities in the database over a longer time frame. Learn more about the updater module in the updater configuration page.

Periodic Update Hook

The register_periodic_update_hook method expects a callable with the following signature: Callable[[str, AnyEidT, dict], list[DataPointTask]], where the arguments are the entity type, entity ID and master record. The callable should return a list of DataPointTask objects to perform (possibly empty).

You must also pass a unique hook_id string when registering the hook, the entity type and the period over which the hook should be called for all entities. The following example shows how to register a periodic update hook for an entity type test_entity_type. The hook will be called for all entities of this type every day.

def periodic_update_hook(
        entity_type: str,
        eid: str,  # (1)!
        record: dict,
) -> list[DataPointTask]:
    return []

    periodic_update_hook, "test_id", "test_entity_type", "1d"
  1. eid may not be string, depending on the entity configuration, see Type of eid.

Set a Realistic Update Period

Try to configure the period to match the real execution time of the registered hooks, as when the period is too short, the hooks may not finish before the next batch is run, leading to missed runs and potentially even to doubling of the effective update period.

Periodic Update EID Hook

The periodic eid update hook is similar to the previous periodic update hook, but the entity record is not passed to the callback. This hook is useful when the entity record is not needed for the update, meaning the record data does not have to be fetched from the database.

The register_periodic_eid_update_hook method expects a callable with the following signature: Callable[[str, AnyEidT], list[DataPointTask]], where the first argument is the entity type and the second is the entity ID. The callable should return a list of DataPointTask objects to perform (possibly empty). All other arguments are the same as for the periodic update hook.

def periodic_eid_update_hook(
        entity_type: str,
        eid: str,  # (1)!
) -> list[DataPointTask]:
    return []

    periodic_eid_update_hook, "test_id", "test_entity_type", "1d"
  1. eid may not be string, depending on the entity configuration, see Type of eid.

Running module code in a separate thread

The module is free to run its own code in separate threads or processes. To synchronize such code with the platform, use the start() and stop() methods of the BaseModule class. the start() method is called after the platform is initialized, and the stop() method is called before the platform is shut down.

class MyModule(BaseModule):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._thread = None
        self._stop_event = threading.Event()
        self.log = logging.getLogger("MyModule")

    def start(self):
        self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, daemon=True)

    def stop(self):

    def _run(self):
        while not self._stop_event.is_set():
  "Hello world!")