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DP³'s has HTTP API which you can use to post datapoints and to read data stored in DP³. As the API is made using FastAPI, there is also an interactive documentation available at /docs endpoint.

There are several API endpoints:


Health check.




200 OK:

{ "detail": "It works!" }

Insert datapoints


POST /datapoints

All data are written to DP³ in the form of datapoints. A datapoint sets a value of a given attribute of given entity.

It is a JSON-encoded object with the set of keys defined in the table below. Presence of some keys depends on the primary type of the attribute (plain/observations/timseries).

Payload to this endpoint is JSON array of datapoints. For example:

   { DATAPOINT1 },
Key Description Data-type Required? Plain Observations Timeseries
type Entity type string mandatory
id Entity identification string mandatory
attr Attribute name string mandatory
v The value to set, depends on attr. type and data-type, see below -- mandatory
t1 Start time of the observation interval string (RFC 3339 format) mandatory --
t2 End time of the observation interval string (RFC 3339 format) optional, default=t1 --
c Confidence float (0.0-1.0) optional, default=1.0 --
src Identification of the information source string optional, default=""

More details depends on the particular type of the attribute.

Examples of datapoints

  "type": "ip",
  "id": "",
  "attr": "note",
  "v": "My home router",
  "src": "web_gui"
  "type": "ip",
  "id": "",
  "attr": "open_ports",
  "v": [22, 80, 443],
  "t1": "2022-08-01T12:00:00",
  "t2": "2022-08-01T12:10:00",
  "src": "open_ports_module"


  "t1": "2022-08-01T12:00:00",
  "t2": "2022-08-01T12:20:00", // assuming time_step = 5 min
  "v": {
    "a": [1, 3, 0, 2]

irregular: timestamps must always be present

  "t1": "2022-08-01T12:00:00",
  "t2": "2022-08-01T12:05:00",
  "v": {
    "time": ["2022-08-01T12:00:00", "2022-08-01T12:01:10", "2022-08-01T12:01:15", "2022-08-01T12:03:30"],
    "x": [0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 0.7],
    "y": [-1, 3, 0, 0]


  "t1": "2022-08-01T12:00:00",
  "t2": "2022-08-01T12:05:00",
  "v": {
    "time_first": ["2022-08-01T12:00:00", "2022-08-01T12:01:10", "2022-08-01T12:01:15", "2022-08-01T12:03:30"],
    "time_last": ["2022-08-01T12:01:00", "2022-08-01T12:01:15", "2022-08-01T12:03:00", "2022-08-01T12:03:40"],
    "x": [0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 0.7],
    "y": [-1, 3, 0, 0]

Can be represented using both plain attributes and observations. The difference will be only in time specification. Two examples using observations:

no data - link<mac>: Sent as a dictionary with a single "eid" key.

  "type": "ip",
  "id": "",
  "attr": "mac_addrs",
  "v": {"eid": "AA:AA:AA:AA:AA"},
  "t1": "2022-08-01T12:00:00",
  "t2": "2022-08-01T12:10:00"

with additional data - link<ip, int>: Sent as a dictionary with "eid" and "data" keys.

  "type": "ip",
  "id": "",
  "attr": "ip_dep",
  "v": {"eid": "", "data": 22},
  "t1": "2022-08-01T12:00:00",
  "t2": "2022-08-01T12:10:00"


200 OK:


400 Bad request:

Returns some validation error message, for example:

1 validation error for DataPointObservations_some_field
v -> some_embedded_dict_field
  field required (type=value_error.missing)

List entities


This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in the future, Use GET /entity/<entity_type>/get to get paged documents and GET /entity/<entity_type>/count to get total document count for query.

List latest snapshots of all ids present in database under entity type, filtered by generic_filter and fulltext_filters. Contains only the latest snapshot per entity.

Counts all results for given query.


GET /entity/<entity_type>

Optional query parameters:

  • skip: how many entities to skip (default: 0)
  • limit: how many entities to return (default: 20)
  • fulltext_filters: dictionary of fulltext filters (default: no filters)
  • generic_filter: dictionary of generic filters (default: no filters)


  "time_created": "2023-07-04T12:10:38.827Z",
  "data": [

Get entities

Get a list of latest snapshots of all ids present in database under entity type, filtered by generic_filter and fulltext_filters. Contains only the latest snapshot per entity.

Uses pagination, default limit is 20, setting to 0 will return all results.

Fulltext filters are interpreted as regular expressions. Only string values may be filtered this way. There's no validation that queried attribute can be fulltext filtered. Only plain and observation attributes with string-based data types can be queried. Array and set data types are supported as well as long as they are not multi value at the same time. If you need to filter EIDs, use attribute eid.

Generic filter allows filtering using generic MongoDB query (including $and, $or,$lt, etc.). For querying non-JSON-native types, you can use the following magic strings, as are defined by the search & replace magic module.

There are no attribute name checks (may be added in the future).

Generic and fulltext filters are merged - fulltext overrides conflicting keys.


GET /entity/<entity_type>

Optional query parameters:

  • skip: how many entities to skip (default: 0)
  • limit: how many entities to return (default: 20)
  • fulltext_filters: dictionary of fulltext filters (default: no filters)
  • generic_filter: dictionary of generic filters (default: no filters)


  "time_created": "2023-07-04T12:10:38.827Z",
  "data": [

Count entities

Count latest snapshots of all ids present in database under entity type, filtered by generic_filter and fulltext_filters. See GET /entity/<entity_type>/get for details on filter format.


GET /entity/<entity_type>/count

Optional query parameters:

  • fulltext_filters: dictionary of fulltext filters (default: no filters)
  • generic_filter: dictionary of generic filters (default: no filters)


  "total_count": 0

Get Eid data

Get data of entity type's eid.

Contains all snapshots and master record. Snapshots are ordered by ascending creation time.


GET /entity/<entity_type>/<entity_id>

Optional query parameters:

  • date_from: date-time string
  • date_to: date-time string


  "empty": true,
  "master_record": {},
  "snapshots": [

Get attr value

Get attribute value

Value is either of:

  • current value: in case of plain attribute
  • current value and history: in case of observation attribute
  • history: in case of timeseries attribute


GET /entity/<entity_type>/<entity_id>/get/<attr_id>

Optional query parameters:

  • date_from: date-time string
  • date_to: date-time string


  "attr_type": 1,
  "current_value": "string",
  "history": []

Set attr value

Set current value of attribute

Internally just creates datapoint for specified attribute and value.

This endpoint is meant for editable plain attributes -- for direct user edit on DP3 web UI.


POST /entity/<entity_type>/<entity_id>/set/<attr_id>

Required request body:

  "value": "string"


  "detail": "OK"

Get distinct values

Gets distinct attribute values and their counts based on latest snapshots

Useful for displaying <select> enumeration fields.

Works for all plain and observation data types except dict and json.


GET /entity/<entity_type>/_/distinct/<attr_id>


  "value1": 10,
  "value2": 5,
  "value3": 43

Delete Eid data

Delete master record and snapshots with the specified etype and eid.

Raw datapoints are not deleted, and the entity can be restored by sending new datapoints with the same etype and eid.


DELETE /entity/<entity_type>/<entity_id>


  "detail": "OK"

Extend TTLs

Extend TTLs of the specified entity.

Raw datapoints are not deleted, and the entity can be restored by sending new datapoints with the same etype and eid.


POST /entity/<entity_type>/<entity_id>/ttl

The request body must be a dictionary of TTLs to extend, with string keys to identify the type of TTL. The values must be UTC timestamps, for example:

  "user_interaction": "2024-10-01T12:03:00",
  "api_dependency": "2024-10-08T12:00:00"

TTLs of the same name will be extended, and you add as many TTL names as you want.


  "detail": "OK"


List entity types

Returns dictionary containing all entity types configured -- their simplified configuration and current state information.


GET /entities


  "<entity_id>": {
    "id": "<entity_id>",
    "id_data_type": "<entity_spec.id_data_type>",
    "name": "<>",
    "attribs": "<MODEL_SPEC.attribs(e_id)>",
    "eid_estimate_count": "<DB.estimate_count_eids(e_id)>"


Execute Action - Sends the given action into execution queue.

You can see the enabled actions in /config/control.yml, available are:

  • make_snapshots - Makes an out-of-order snapshot of all entities
  • refresh_on_entity_creation - Re-runs the on_entity_creation callback for selected etype
  • refresh_module_config - Re-runs the load_config for selected module and will refresh the values derived by the module when configured to do so

You can learn more about the actions in the Actions section of the Control configuration documentation.


GET /control/<action>


  "detail": "OK"


Returns information about the validity of the data sources, i.e. when the last datapoint was received from each source.


GET /telemetry/sources_validity


  "module1@collector1": "2023-10-03T11:59:58.063000",
  "module2@collector1": "2023-12-06T09:09:37.165000",
  "module3@collector2": "2023-12-08T15:52:55.282000",